Artful Computing


p4 Wallpaper Group Images

Generation of four fold symmetry is illustrated in this gallery. As with the other galleries, this is an experimental notebook - a visual record of trials to demonstrate which combinations of photographs and transformations produce interesting results, and also which produce less interesting results.

I have not bothered to include original images in this gallery for comparison. The relationship between the detail of the original and the outcome is rarely apparent to the unaided intuition. In general, original images with strong colours and strong shapes work well with transformations producing strict symmetry, while in other cases more subtle photographs can benefit if the transformation breaks the strict symmetry by adding some of the original image to the final mix.

In practice, I am using the same rather small set of original images for most of my Complex Mapping experiments. So I leave it as an exercise to the reader to look at my Complex Mapping Gallery and try to match original and result.

Monday, 11 October 2021
