These galleries are a set of working "sketchbooks", each exploring an idea through a number of steps, and each to be regarded as a learning exercise rather that productions of finished artwork.
Transformations of photographs of rough tree bark.
These images are based on very wide angle high resolution photographs of woodland scenes.
Tracing curves defined by chaotic motions.
Interesting and perhaps disturbing results occur when we apply the conformal mapping process to original life drawings.
p3m symmetry has 3-fold rotation symmetry and mirror axes.
These are images from a first exploration of the Mandelbrot Set, using a Processing program.
This Gallery uses photographic images as the source material, transforming them mathematically to impose symmetry.
Experiments in moving around parts of photographs in order to see how much of the original character of the image is retained.
These images are based on a taking a regular pattern as a source image and using a mathematical algorithm to move elements around to make the final image.
This continues the investigation of Generate Waves 12 by substituting the use of Lissajous figures for curve tracing with a process based on "complex dynamics".
This series explores the introduction of randomness into the generation of wave images.
In this series I am concentrating on producing background textures.
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