Notes relating to the HiSPARC Cosmic Ray Project and other Astrophysics projects.
The forth state of matter is the dominant form of visible material in the universe. (We don't known anything about dark matter, of which there is about five times as much as in visible material.) The way plasma behaves is fundamental to understanding the way many astrophysical objects work. | |
Generation of Cosmic Rays | Although this brief was aimed at students doing the HiSPARC experiments, the generation of high energy particles in astrophysical situations is important to all branches of modern astrophysics (for example, in understanding why supernova remnants emit radio waves). |
What Is The Time | Astronomy started long, long ago as a way of time keeping. It is still an important part of astronomy in order to make observations and relate them to astronomical coordinate systems. There are more types of time that you probably imagine! |
Statistics or How Not To Fool Yourself | Analysis of almost any type of scientific data involves using statistics, because it is all too easy to see what you want to see in the data. The only way to avoid misinterpretation is the use of statistics. |
Relativity for Cosmic Rays | This was a brief aimed to explaining why cosmic ray generated mesons reach the ground when their decay half lives are very short. However, some knowledge of relativity is important for all of modern astrophysics. |
Faster-Than-Light Travel is Paradoxical | An explanation of why instantaneous jumps of position can lead to time-paradoxes, according to Einstein's well established Theory of Relativity. |